About us

Helm & Walter - Agency for individual software

At Helm & Walter, we are characterized above all by our in-depth practical experience and our penchant for constantly improving our own expertise.

Our Principles

We follow these principles in our projects

We are constantly trying to develop ourselves and our work, to become even more professionally efficient and to keep our finger on the pulse of the times. In our projects and services, we follow a number of principles that help us and our customers to develop and maintain projects and products quickly, professionally and in line with requirements.

Agile Software Development
Always close to the customer and to the changing requirements over the course of the project.
Responsive Design
Customize applications and user interfaces (UI) for different device sizes.
Test Driven Development (TDD)
Functional safety through automated tests.
Applications and user interfaces for everyone - including people with disabilities.


For us, expertise has many faces

Helm & Walter IT Solutions was founded in summer 2008 by Bernd Helm in cooperation with Daniel Walter during their studies at the FHDW Dresden.

Since 2010, we have been working together full-time as sole traders under the name Helm & Walter IT-Solutions. Since 01.01.2014 we have been operating under the name Helm & Walter IT-Solutions GbR.

We now work successfully with our strong team in our offices on Dresdener Südhöhe.


Helm & Walter is characterized by great technical expertise and craftsmanship in the field of server and cloud administration as well as programming. We are always looking for active support in all our fields of activity and technology areas.

Don't be afraid of big goals and challenges, we support you in building up expertise and in your personal and professional development.

If there is no vacancy advertised here, we look forward to receiving your unsolicited application at any time.

Software Engineer m / w / d in Dresden
We are currently a team of 19 developers and are looking for reinforcement as soon as possible
More about Our Team

our Commitment


Social commitment is very important to us. We believe that successful companies have a responsibility to the community, especially in the pursuit of social justice. That is why we are proud to support the Kinder- und Jugendbauernhof Nickern e.V.. This project not only offers young people the opportunity to engage with nature and learn about ecological principles, but also an important place of retreat. Here, young people can relax and gain new perspectives in a protected space. We firmly believe that education and environmental protection are key components for a better world. By supporting the Nickern children's and youth farm, we are helping to promote these important values.